
A newsletter for women who want to heal their relationship with their bodies

Beat the End-of-Summer Slump: My Favorite Energy Boosting Tips

Energy-boosting tips for the end of summer

👇 In today’s email:

  • This week’s inspiration: How to boost energy levels naturally
  • Latest blog post: How to use facial acupressure to reduce fine lines and wrinkles
  • What I’m reading: Everything you need to know about caffeine—including how to quit it

How to boost energy levels naturally

Have you noticed that your energy seems to take a nosedive as summer starts to wind down? You’re definitely not alone! Many of us feel a bit more sluggish as the days get shorter and the heat starts to wear on us.

There are a few reasons behind that end-of-summer fatigue. A few sneaky culprits are at play, from the heat and hormones to disrupted sleep patterns.

I recently shared some powerful, natural ways to boost your energy levels on the blog, and I want to give you the highlights. Because, yes, you can do it—naturally!

1. Nourish with Nutrient-Dense Foods
Think of food as fuel. When you fill your plate with vibrant, whole foods—especially those rich in vitamins B and D—you’re giving your body the tools it needs to power through the day.

2. Embrace Movement
Exercise isn’t just about staying in shape; it’s a key to unlocking more energy. Even a 20-minute walk can invigorate your mind and body, helping you feel more alive.

3. Prioritize Quality Sleep
I know, I know—easier said than done, right? But trust me, creating a sleep-friendly environment and establishing a bedtime routine can do wonders for your energy reserves.

4. Stay Hydrated
This one’s a game-changer. Often, fatigue is a sign of dehydration. So keep that water bottle handy and sip throughout the day!

5. Manage Stress Effectively
Stress is a notorious energy zapper. That’s why incorporating stress-busting activities like meditation, yoga, or even just a few deep breaths can make a world of difference.

Want to dive deeper into these tips? Check out the full article on my website here.

Remember, thriving in every stage of life is absolutely within your reach. With these simple steps, you'll be well on your way to boosting your energy naturally and living life with more vitality!

Latest blog post

How to use facial acupressure to reduce fine lines and wrinkles

Have you ever looked in the mirror and noticed a few more fine lines or wrinkles than you remember? It happens to all of us as we age, but here’s the great news: you can soften those lines and give your skin a youthful glow without resorting to invasive treatments!

I’m thrilled to share with you a natural, effective way to smooth out fine lines and wrinkles—facial acupressure. This ancient technique, rooted in Traditional Chinese Medicine, is a powerful tool for enhancing your skin's radiance and vitality. And the best part? You can do it right at home!

Why Facial Acupressure?
Facial acupressure works by stimulating specific points on your face, promoting circulation, reducing tension, and encouraging the flow of energy (or “Qi”) throughout your body. This not only helps to diminish the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles but also leaves your skin looking more vibrant and rejuvenated.

Quick How-To Guide:

  1. Locate Your Points: Start by familiarizing yourself with the key acupressure points on your face. These include areas like the third eye (between your eyebrows), the corners of your eyes, the temples, and along the jawline.
  2. Apply Gentle Pressure: Using your fingertips, apply gentle pressure to these points. Hold for about 30 seconds to a minute on each point. You can do this while applying your favorite facial oil or serum for an added glow.
  3. Breathe & Relax: As you perform the acupressure, take slow, deep breaths. This not only enhances the effects but also gives you a moment of relaxation and mindfulness—something we all need!
  4. Consistency is Key: For the best results, incorporate facial acupressure into your daily skincare routine. It’s a simple, yet powerful way to show your skin some love.

Curious to learn more? I’ve detailed everything you need to know in my latest blog post, and I’m confident it will empower you to take control of your skin’s health naturally. You can check it out here.

Remember, your skin is a reflection of your overall health and well-being. With a little care and the right techniques, you can keep it looking as radiant as ever!

Read the post here →

What I'm reading

Everything You Need to Know About Caffeine—Including How to Quit it

Are you someone who can’t start the day without that cup of coffee? Or maybe you rely on a caffeine boost to get through the afternoon slump? You’re not alone—caffeine is a part of daily life for many of us. But have you ever wondered how it’s really affecting your health?

I recently came across an insightful article in TIME Magazine that dives into the effects of caffeine on our bodies and offers guidance on how to cut back if you’re considering a change. Let’s explore what this could mean for you!

The Hidden Impact of Caffeine
While that morning coffee or tea can give you a quick energy boost, it’s important to know what’s happening behind the scenes. Caffeine stimulates the central nervous system, which is why you feel more alert after consuming it. But over time, regular caffeine consumption can lead to dependency, disrupt your sleep, and even contribute to feelings of anxiety.

According to the article, the way caffeine affects each of us can vary widely. Some people are more sensitive and experience side effects even with small amounts, while others seem to tolerate it just fine. However, if you’re experiencing jitteriness, disrupted sleep, or an afternoon crash, it might be time to reassess your intake.

Thinking About Cutting Back?
If you’ve been considering reducing your caffeine consumption, the article offers some great tips to make the transition smoother:

  1. Take It Slow: Instead of quitting cold turkey, try gradually reducing your intake. This will help minimize withdrawal symptoms like headaches and irritability.
  2. Switch to Decaf or Herbal Teas: These can give you the ritual and warmth you crave without the caffeine. There are so many delicious options out there to explore!
  3. Stay Hydrated: Dehydration can make withdrawal symptoms worse, so keep that water bottle handy.
  4. Get Moving: Exercise can naturally boost your energy levels, helping you feel more alert and reducing the need for a caffeine fix.

Is It Time for a Change?
Everyone’s relationship with caffeine is different, and it’s all about finding what works best for your body. Whether you’re ready to cut back or simply want to be more mindful of your intake, the key is making informed decisions that support your overall health and well-being.

Curious to learn more about how caffeine might be affecting you? You can read the full article here.

Remember, small changes can have a big impact on your health. Whether you’re reducing your caffeine intake or just being more mindful of your habits, you’re taking a step toward a more balanced and energized life!

I’m cheering for you. Have a wonderful long weekend!

Dr. Cat 🥰

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Do you have a question you want me to answer? Any wellness challenges you want me to write about? Send them my way, I love hearing from you. Oh yeah, connect with me on Instagram, X, LinkedIn or TikTok I share in those places too.


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© 2024 Dr. Catherine On Wellness. This content may convey general information related to medical conditions, research, testing, treatment, and other healthcare topics. Any such information is provided for informational purposes only. You should always consult a doctor or other health care professional for medical advice or information about diagnosis and treatment.

A newsletter for women who want to heal their relationship with their bodies

Our bodies are always changing. On Wellness is your free weekly research-backed newsletter from Dr. Catherine Price. Filled with actionable tips on personal wellness, healing, living radiantly and aging with grace

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