
A newsletter for women who want to heal their relationship with their bodies

Gratitude as Self-Care: Nourishing Your Spirit in a Hectic World

Hello, my friend!


In the whirlwind of our daily lives, it's easy to get caught in a spiral of negative thoughts. But what if I told you there's a simple yet powerful tool at your fingertips that could shift your entire perspective? Let's dive into the world of gratitude and discover how it can give you a break when you are spiraling.


πŸ‘‡ In today’s email:

  • This week’s inspiration: Nourishing Your Spirit in a Hectic World
  • Latest blog post: The Anti-Aging Magic of Shut-Eye
  • What I’m reading: Parents are under siege!


​Nourishing Your Spirit in a Hectic World​

The Science Behind Your Happiness. Picture this: You close your eyes, take a deep breath, and focus on something you're thankful for. In that moment, your brain lights up like a fireworks display, releasing dopamine and creating a surge of contentment. It's not just feel-good fluff – it's science, and it's working wonders for your mental health, sleep quality, and relationships.

Your 60-Second Gratitude Revolution

Ready to transform your day in less time than it takes to brew your morning coffee? Try this:

  1. Find a quiet spot (yes, even if it's hiding in the bathroom)
  2. Close your eyes and breathe deeply
  3. Think of three things you're grateful for (your cozy socks count!)
  4. Let that warm, fuzzy feeling wash over you
  5. Send a mental high-five to someone you appreciate

It's that simple. One minute a day to set your positivity compass for the next 24 hours.

When Life Hands You Lemons...

Let's be real – some days, finding gratitude feels like searching for a needle in a haystack. On those days, be gentle with yourself. Maybe you're grateful for the strength to get out of bed, or for the barista who remembered your complicated coffee order. Every little bit counts. Embrace this gratitude journey, my dear. Watch as it transforms not just your perspective, but your entire life. You've got this!

​Read some more →​

Latest blog post

​The Anti-Aging Magic of Shut-Eye​

Let's talk about the elephant in the room – aging. We're all doing it, but society seems to think women should be doing it invisibly. Spoiler alert: We're not tackling the patriarchy today (though, trust me, I've got thoughts). Instead, let's dive into the fountain of youth that's been right under your nose – or rather, right under your comfy duvet.

The Nighttime Glow-Up You've Been Dreaming Of

Picture this: You're fast asleep, and your body's throwing the most epic repair party. Cells are regenerating like it's 1999, hormones are finding their zen, and your skin? It's living its best life, recovering from any stress you've exposed it to. But here's the kicker – not all sleep is created equal. It's not just about face-planting into your pillow after a Netflix binge. Quality sleep is the name of the game, and I've got the insider tips to get you there.

Seven Secrets to Sleeping Your Way to Gorgeousness

  1. Become a Creature of Habit: Your body's the clingy friend of routines. Embrace it.
  2. Light It Up (Then Don't): Bask in that morning sun like a cat, then channel your inner vampire come evening.
  3. Chill Out (Literally): Make your bedroom cooler than think it should be. 60-67Β°F cool, to be exact.
  4. Bedtime Stories Aren't Just for Kids: Swap your phone for a book about moss. Trust me, it's more riveting than it sounds.
  5. Sip Smartly: Caffeine after 2 pm is so last season. And nightcaps? They're not doing your beauty sleep any favors.
  6. Get Your Freak On: Sex isn't just fun; it's a biological party for your body. Solo or partnered, it's all good.
  7. Eastern Wisdom for Western Woes: Chinese herbs might just be your ticket to Dreamland, whether you're a cranky one or have a buzzing brain.

Remember, darlings, while that number on your birthday cake keeps creeping up, quality sleep is your secret weapon to keeping your mind sharp, your body vibrant, and your spirit unbreakable. So tonight, when you're slipping into those silky PJs, remember – you're not just going to bed, you're stepping into your personal time machine. Sweet dreams and sweeter mornings await!

​Read the post here →​

What I'm Reading

​Parents are under siege​

As a mom of four incredible humans aged 16 to 30, let me tell you, I've been through the parenting trenches. From diapers to driver's licenses, college applications to career crises, I've seen a lot. And you know what? It's been a wild, beautiful, exhausting ride. So when I read the U.S. Surgeon General's Advisory on the Mental Health & Well-Being of Parents, I nearly spilled my (lukewarm) coffee. Finally, someone's talking about what we've all been feeling!

The Parental Pressure Cooker: It's Not Just You

Let's get real for a second. Parenting is hard. Like, "why didn't anyone warn me about this?" hard. And it turns out, we're not alone in feeling like we're constantly juggling flaming chainsaws while tap dancing on a tightrope. The advisory tells us that a whopping 33% of parents reported high stress levels in the past month. That's compared to only 20% of non-parents. (To which I say, only 33%? Were the rest of you napping when they took this survey?)

The Mental Load is Real (and Really Heavy)

Here's the kicker: 41% of parents say they're so stressed most days that they can't function. I don't know about you, but there have definitely been days when I've considered hiding in the pantry with a family-size bag of chips. But here's the thing, this stress isn't just annoying. It impacts our mental health in a big way. And guess what? Our mental health affects our kids and our grandkids. It's like a not-so-fun family domino effect.

Time: The Ultimate Luxury (That We Never Have)

The advisory points out that parents are working more hours than ever before while also spending more time on childcare. It's like trying to cram 48 hours of stuff into a 24-hour day. No wonder we're all running on fumes and fantasies of uninterrupted sleep.

What Can We Do? (Besides Clone Ourselves)

  1. Prioritize Self-Care: I know, I know. You're rolling your eyes so hard right now. But seriously, even five minutes of deep breathing or a quick dance party in the kitchen can help reset your frazzled nerves.
  2. Prioritize Your Marriage: This whole Jenga set is based on having a reasonably functional marriage and if all the kids activities leave no time for marital coupling and renewal then your foundation is put into jeopardy.
  3. Connect with Other Parents: Find your tribe. Whether it's online or in-person, talking to other parents who get it can be incredibly validating and supportive.
  4. Ask for Help: This one's tough, especially for us "I can do it all" types. But reaching out for support, whether it's from family, friends, or professionals, isn't a sign of weakness. It's a sign of wisdom.
  5. Lower Those Standards: Your house doesn't need to look picture-perfect. Your kids don't need to be in 17 different activities. You don't need to volunteer for every school event. Give yourself permission to do less and breathe more. People are going to judge. Let them judge.

Remember, amazing parents, you're doing the most important job in the world. It's okay if it feels overwhelming sometimes. It's okay to struggle. And it's more than okay to take care of yourself. So tonight, when you're collapsing into bed, remember this: You're not alone. You're doing great. And tomorrow is another day to try again.

I’m cheering for you. Have a wonderful week!

Dr. Cat πŸ₯°


Dr. Catherine

Do you have a question you want me to answer? Any wellness challenges you want me to write about? Send them my way, I love hearing from you. Say hi πŸ‘‹πŸ» on Instagram, X, LinkedIn or TikTok I share in those places too.


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A newsletter for women who want to heal their relationship with their bodies

Our bodies are always changing. On Wellness is your free weekly research-backed newsletter from Dr. Catherine Price. Filled with actionable tips on personal wellness, healing, living radiantly and aging with grace

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